We are finally done with our project for Physics!!! I think we did a wonderful job and made a difference at Kamehameha with this project. So this blog was made to finally wrap it up.
This project went very well. We did not encounter a time when we had serious trouble with our project. We keep within our budget, we did everything on time, and we worked together as a group. Things that did not go as planned is that we kept adding on more solutions to our problem. Our original idea was not good enough by itself so we had to add on posters to draw more awareness to what we were trying to accomplish. Another problem we encountered was the school schedule. I think the inconsistency of the schedule during this fourth quarter had affected the outcome of our project. I think if we had a consistent schedule then our data could be more accurate.
I learned many a things from this project. The first thing I learned was how much food we waste at Kamehameha. Another thing I learned was that trying to prevent food from being wasted made me more conscious about the people around me and how much they take. This project also showed me that physics is everywhere and in everything we do. The last and most important lesson I learned was to be able to work with others, others who I did not know very well. In the end we got to know each other much better.
One thing that I would do to make this activity better is to encourage students to pick "failed" projects and to improve them. I think that this project brings out many ideas in students, and some ideas won't work within the given time frame. For example, Jenai, Tati, and Ian's idea of a senior lounge is great, but they were not able to get it done within the time frame. I think getting students to pick up and continue these ideas will really help to improve the school.
Throughout most of the project I was not thinking about science. Although we were working with physics everyday, I did not realize how much physics things we were actually doing. For example, being in the spc and creating posters is all physics related things. Not only is creating the posters have to do with physics but hanging it also deals with physics. I think one thing we could have done better with our powerpoint is talk more about the physics, if we were allotted more time.
This project was lots of fun, it expanded my circle of friends, and it also showed me the connection to physics in everyday problems. Now, all that is left to do is the Peer Evaluations, it should be easy to fill out because I had an awesome group that was always focused, when I wasn't.
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