Sunday, May 13, 2012

One Furlong to Go!

    Wow! We have been working on this project for quite some time now and we are almost pau. This project has taken a lot of time and effort to get it to where  we are now. All that is left for us to do is to collect and analyze data, complete our paper, and finish the powerpoint presentation. We have been lucky that Aunty Kat has been collecting data for quite some time. We are going to use the data collected from start of the project and compare the amount wasted to previously collected data. We plan to compare the amount wasted of the meals that were served during our project. i.e. we will compare the amount of chili wasted from previous data to amount of chili wasted from when our project was implemented. After analyzing data we need to add that information to our paper, along with our conclusion. Before we finish our paper we need to complete our powerpoint, which is on google docs, because we present on Fryday!!
    Now, you may be wondering why the blog is titled "One Furlong to Go!". Well in horse racing the track is measured in furlongs, similar to how our track is measured in meters. When horse race commentators say "One Furlong to Go!" it means that the horses have reached the last leg of their race and are almost to the finish. Like how we are close to end of our project. You learn something new everyday!
   This is what a furlong looks like.

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