Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Detailed Design and Planning

As was mentioned in the previous blog, one of the things we got straightened out is that we are going to focus on waste of the things that are high volume in waste, usually the main dish. The sandwich above is not one of those high priority items. Now that we know what we are focused on and the plan that we intend to carry out, we now need to create a specific schedule of who will do which tasks when. For example, the plan is that Amber and I will work together during one period (since we have junior lunch together) and Ku and Mahea will work together since they have lunch together. We need to work out who will go down before lunch starts, around 9:00, and set up the example portion sizes. We can do this by determining when we all have frees and creating a schedule from there. This information, plus other information regarding our plans for data collection, will be input into our detailed design.

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